Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beginners Word & Excel Course

Learn how to get started with Microsoft Word and Excel by gaining an understanding of the working basics.  Word and Excel 2007 offered.  Ideal for beginners or those wishing to brush up on their computer skills.  Work at your own pace using worksheets and manuals.

Date/Time:    Tuesday nights 7pm - 9.30pm
                      Over 8 weeks from 5 October
Where:           KRNH
Cost:              $100.00

Kinglake Ranges Rebuilding Advisory Centre & Community Facility Opening

Local Flora Identification

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Farm Chemical Users Course

This course provides accredited training on safe use, handling, storage, transport and application of agricultural chemicals. Once completed participants will be eligible for the Victorian Agricultural Chemical Users Permit (ACUP) license. Training will involve theory and practice. 

Date/Time:                  Sundays 12 & 19 September.  10am - 5pm

Venue:                        Memorial Hall, Kinglake Central

                                   Lunch Provided

Either contact the KRNH to enrol on 5786 1301 or call Chris Cobern on 5736 0104.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dr Rob Gordon in Kinglake & Kinglake West

Cross Country Skiing Family Day

Cross Country Skiing Family Day
The Mt Bullfight Ski Club, supported by Sport and Recreation Victoria, will once again hold a Family Day at the snow on Sunday August 22. If you have never been cross country skiing before and want to have a go, grab this opportunity. Transport is provided by the club and includes free entry to the Mountain. Ski hire is also included as well as clothes hire if required. Once kitted out we will head out onto the ski trails for a lesson and some games. The cost of the program is heavily subsidised and will be $15 for adults and $8 for children. We require you to bring lunch with you and so that we can have lunch out on the trails.

This is a fabulous opportunity to experience the winter wonderland on our doorstep. So take advantage and contact the club to book your spot. Register for this event at mtbullfight@bigpond.com or phone Malachy on 0428 880 367.

Pick up is at the Kinglake Shire Offices at 8.30 am, with return at approximately 5.00 pm.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Silver Clay Jewellery Making

Propagation & Growing

University of the Third Age (U3A)

What are you doing for the rest of your life?  After your own childhood and a working life comes your third age - the age of active retirement.  This is a time for learning and sharing - why not join a community of people sharing knowledge.  U3A is a self managing group that derives its strength from its members capabilites and the sharing of their knowledge.  This group would typically meet regularly for activities such as outings, guest speakers and much more.  We are looking for interested people to help re-establish this group.

Contact the KRNH for more information.


Kinglake Landcare works with the community for the preservation and enhancement of the local environment.  The group has been involved in roadside and creek rejuvenation work and has information for landowners and anyone interested in protecting and enhancing the local area.

Contact the KRNH for more information.

Historical Society

The Kinglake Historical Society works to collect and preserve the information and memorabilia related to the history of the district.  The group meets frequently, collating and cataloguing information and photos.

Date/Time:                           Contact the hours for further information
Venue:                                 KRNH


Enquiry about our playgroups.  Parents, grandparents, carers all welcome to bring along the kids and join in the fun.   Casual relaxed groups which involve planned activities, free play, birthday parties and more.

Currently running on Mondays (babies) and Thursdays (toddlers).

Time:                            10.00 - 12 noon
Venue:                          KRNH
Cost:                             $3 per session - 1 child, increaes per child to maximum of $6 per session.

Beading Club

Come along and learn the art of beading in a group setting.  Materials will be available to create beaded jewellery or bring your own bits and pieces.  Techniques to be explored include:  Venetian Weave, Peyote Stitch and Pearl Knotting.

Date/Time:                               1st Thursday of each month from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue:                                      KRNH
Cost:                                         $15 per session

Knit Knack

Learn the secrets of successful knitting and achieve results you will be proud of.  Hands on skills and help with selecting a project available.  Yarns, patterns & knitting needles supplied..

Date/Time:                    1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10am - 1pm
Venue:                           KRNH
Cost:                              $3 per session


Take some time for yourself to experience the relaxing benefits of Yoga.  Healthy mind and healthy body.

Date/Time:                    Tuesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Venue:                          Kinglake West Tennis Courts
Cost:                             $5.00 per class

Participants are asked to bring a yoga mat, shawl and/or blanket)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Walking Groups

Are you interested in being involved with a walking group?  These groups cater for those who would like to explore our local area and other walking paths further afield.  Please contact the KRNH for further informatin. 

Sew & Chat

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make a patchwork quilt, embroider or make your own clothes?  Now is your chance.  Bring you own project or create a new one.

Date/Time:                      Fridays 10am - 12 noon
Venue:                            KRNH
Cost:                               $3.00 per session


Join this informal fun and fitness group incorporating players of all skill levels.  Beginners are most welcome - racquets available and tea/coffee provided.

Date/Time:                   8pm - 10pm Tuesdays
                           OR    10am - 12 Noon Wednesdays
Venue:                         Kinglake Stadium
Cost:                            $6.50 per session

The Preserve Club

Come and use some great preserving Kits to make your own beautiful preserved fruit and vegetables, jams and Chutneys in time for Christmas.  This is an informal group that will learn the art of preserving together.  all equipment and materials provided.  You don't need experience just book in and come along.

Date:               Last Saturday of the Month.  August till December 2010.
Venue:            KRNH
Cost:               Free for local residents.